Why do I need a soap that removes heavy metals?
Whether you work at a shooting range or shoot recreationally – very harmful gases are given off when you shoot.
The whole problem is that although they poison your body, the effects are not immediate. The body accumulates them and, of course, at the least opportune moment in life, it will bill you for your actions.
To say that lead harms is a truism. And not just the kind that flies a few hundred metres per second – which we will notice immediately if it hits us – but also the kind emitted in the form of gunpowder gases.
Heavy metals accumulate in the body, especially in the liver and kidneys, and damage them and can cause acute or chronic poisoning (e.g. lead or mercury).
They also have a toxic effect on the brain, hence symptoms from the nervous system often appear, such as sleep disorders, impaired concentration and memory, paresis and even symptoms resembling mental illness.
Heavy metals can also lead to bone decalcification, infertility, adverse changes in the cardiovascular system, damage to the foetus and the development of cancer.